Now Enrolling Kindergarten 2025/2026

Now Enrolling Kindergarten 2025/2026


Now Enrolling Kindergarten 2025/2026 Now Enrolling Kindergarten 2025/2026 〰️

Pine Forest School is a tuition-free public charter school Guided by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf Education.

Why Pine Forest School?

From Kindergarten to Grade 8, children experience academic material via the scope of movement, age- appropriate discussion, and detailed, artistic exploration. Throughout their education and development, Pine Forest School children are challenged and inspired. We foster the development of educational pride and academic ownership. At Pine Forest School, the student is involved as an active participant in their own education.

What is Waldorf Education?

Waldorf education was first established in 1919 in Europe and has subsequently been adopted in schools around the world. Waldorf Education fosters the development of the whole child. The curriculum is based on the emotional, social, psychological, cognitive and physical development and is a truly comprehensive balance of academic, practical, and artistic activities. Each day includes activities for the body, hands, heart, and the mind.

To further understand Waldorf Education, the following readings are recommended:

  • Lifeways: Working with Family Questions by Davy and Voors

  • Recovery of Man in Childhood by A.C. Harwood

  • Teaching as a Lively Art by Marjorie Spock

  • You are Your Child’s First Teacher by Rahima Baldwin

  • Towards Wholeness: Rudolf Steiner Education in America by M.C. Richards