Patti Laird-Martin
Biodynamic farming and gradening
waldorf foundation and teacher training
the waldorf institute of southern california
Ms. Laird-Martin grew up in Southern California. During college, she met an alumnus of Highland Hall Waldorf School. It was in that moment she realized that Waldorf education was her passion.
After her Waldorf Teacher Training, she was one of the founding teachers of the Pasadena Waldorf School. After having her fifth child she moved to Santa Rosa, California. There she opened a Waldorf home daycare program and also assisted in the Handwork program at Bonnie River's school in Sebastopol.
After that, she moved to San Diego Waldorf School to be a class Teacher for 2 years. In 1996, she moved to Flagstaff so she could be the preschool teacher at Pine Forest. When Dorothy Islan, the handwork and German teacher moved, Merril Badger asked if she would take over the Handwork program and has enjoyed doing this every year.
When she is not teaching, she loves to bake and cook.