Sunny Savage

Exceptional Student Services Coordinator

Ms. Sunny has loved living in Flagstaff since 2007. She has 4 children, three of which have or are attending Pine Forest. She is originally from a small (14 mile) island in the Puget Sound in Washington state called Vashon Island.

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Ms. Sunny has degrees in Community Health Education  and Occupational Therapy.  She has teaching certificates in Waldorf Learning Support and Special Education.  Ms. Sunny has been a pediatric Occupational Therapist since 2001 and has focused her areas of specialty to sensory integration, autism, and learning disabilities.  In addition to working at Pine Forest as the Exceptional Student Services Coordinator, she has a private practice where she provides Occupational Therapy and Learning Support to many families in Flagstaff, and around the world via Skype. She has provided training at Waldorf schools around the country, trained physician's around the world, and was a featured speaker on the Autism Global Summit- a summit to educate families and other practitioners on the biomedical approach to helping people with autism and other challenges, such as PANS/PANDAS.

In her free time, Ms. Sunny loves to spend time with her family, hike, travel, meditate, and experiment in the kitchen. She has developed quite a repertoire of gluten free, dairy free, grain free, vegan, vegetarian, raw, paleo, and ketogenic recipes. So, if you ever need a recipe to meet a specific dietary need, there is a really good chance she has one!